Bayer 2-pack 50ct Dispenser Box

Sold by display

Unit Barcode: N/A
Display Barcode: 6-55708-01828-6
Unit Weight: 0.004 lbs
Display Weight: 0.24 lbs
50 Units / Display — 20 Displays / Case

SKU: 20-050BA


Genuine Bayer® Aspirin can provide pain relief from headaches, backaches, muscle pain, toothaches, menstrual pain and minor arthritis pain —and has for over 120 years. It’s also recommended, under a doctor’s direction, to help reduce the risk of a recurrent heart attack or clot-related (ischemic stroke).

  • Effective pain reliever, even for those already taking it for an aspirin regimen to help prevent a recurrent heart attack or ischemic stroke
  • 50 Units / Display — 20 Displays / Case
  • MSRP – $0.99