TarBar Cigarette Filters-8/DSP

Sold by display

Unit Barcode: 8-28868-00001-3
Display Barcode: 8-28868-00007-5
Unit Weight: 0.082 lbs
Display Weight: 0.68 lbs
8 Units / Display — 54 Displays / Case

SKU: 30-330-8


The objective of TARBAR is to provide a filter for the smoker that filters, but not to such an extent that the smoker, in reality, doesn’t use it. Many smokers have said that unless they can receive the same, or almost the same, perceived experience, they are very likely to NOT use a filter. TARBAR is intended to provide the smoker with the perceived, full smoking experience, … FULL FLAVOR-FULL TASTE.

  • Reduces tar-nicotine and other harmful chemicals without changing the taste of the cigarette
  • Reduces the yellow staining of teeth and lessons damage to the gums
  • 8 Packs of 32ct filters
  • 8 Units / Display — 54 Displays / Case
  • MSRP – $2.99